RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement

This Standard Service Agreement (SSA) shows the text of the contract between the RIPE NCC and its members. When a new SSA is needed, we will send you a pair of contracts with your details. Upon receiving these contracts, you should return one signed copy to us with the appropriate accompanying documentation.

The Undersigned

Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), a membership association under Dutch law, operating from a registered office at the following address

Singel 258
1016 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Registered with Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce 40539632

[name of organisation]

[address of organisation]

[legal form of organisation]

Hereinafter “Contributor”

The RIPE NCC has, as a Regional Internet Registry (RIR), the authority to delegate Internet Resources in its service region.

The RIPE NCC performs its activities for the benefit of its Membership and other interested parties, and therefore observes strict neutrality and impartiality with respect to individual Local Internet Registries (LIRs).

The Contributor wishes to obtain Internet Resources and related services from the RIPE NCC.

  1. Subject to the provisions below and the RIPE NCC Standard Terms and Conditions, the RIPE NCC hereby undertakes to provide the RIPE NCC services to the Contributor as defined in the current version of the RIPE NCC Activity Plan document.
  2. In addition to the RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement a separate agreement may be concluded for specific services.
  3. The Contributor acknowledges and accepts that the RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement and the RIPE NCC Standard Terms and Conditions may be amended by resolution of the General Meeting of the RIPE NCC. An amendment shall automatically become effective upon announcement and publication of the resolution and the full text of the amended agreement on
  4. This Agreement including the RIPE NCC Standard Terms and Conditions replaces the existing Standard Service Agreement between the Contributor and the RIPE NCC.

Thus agreed and signed in duplicate by persons authorised to represent both parties:

Contributor RIPE NCC
Place Amsterdam
Name of authorised person Axel Pawlik
Function Managing Director

Please return a signed copy of the RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement and a copy of an extract from the Commercial Trade Register or an equivalent document proving the registration of Contributor's business with the national authorities.