How to write a development application objection letter

Town Planning Collective take pride in our expert quality development application objection reports. We prepare objections for any type of development throughout NSW, Queensland and Western Australia.

You are most likely visiting this page because you have received a notification from your local Council in relation to a development application and you are concerned about the impact of the development on your property. Please note that you are not alone! This is a common inquiry and is something that we assist many client with. The following article attempts to give you some idea of what you need to do to prepare your own development objection.If the thought of preparing your own objection letter cause you anxiety then please feel free to get us to assist!

When you receive a notification letter from Council that a neighbour has submitted a development application it can be a stressful and confusing time. It is difficult sometimes to understand the plans and reports and to know exactly what your neighbour is planning on doing and to understand whether the development will impact you and your property. We often receive calls from people not knowing where to start with a development objection letter so we thought we would take some time to provide a bit of a guide to preparing an objection letter.

This blog was written more than a three years ago and has become one of our most popular page on our website with hundreds of people each day visiting the site wanting to know how to review plans or work out if their neighbours DA is going to impact them. We have helped many of these concerned residents with their objections and have a great track record of reducing the impact and stress on our clients with our objections.

Please note that we write objection letters and have a fantastic rate of success with our objection letters resulting in changes to the development plans as well as many refusals. If you are wanting a high quality report then please contact us. Our objection reports generally start at $1800 but this little investment can go a long way in helping retain the value of your property. Please fill out our form at the bottom of the page if you would like a quote for us to assist with an objection letter!

If you are on this article then you have most likely received a notification for a neighbouring development application and you don’t know what to do and where to start. To help educate you in the process and assist you with crafting your own objection, our Principal Planner (also known by many clients as the Objection King) gives you the tools you need to craft your own submission letter.

Intro from the Objection King

Greetings and welcome to my article on how to write an objection letter!

I have been labeled the Objection King by previously employers as well as by my clients and I just thought I would take a moment to explain how I managed to gain such a prestigious title!

There is no subject at university (as far as I am aware) on how to write an objection letter for a development application and it is nothing that is generally taught by other planners. It is something you learn through on the job experience and particularly from working on both sides of the town planning “fence”. I started my career at Pittwater Council (now Northern Beaches Council) and had my fair share of Objection letters for development applications. I worked at other Councils following Pittwater and I never received the volume of objection letter to any of my development applicaitons than I did while I worked at Pittwater Council.

What I learnt from reading so many objection letters is the subtle art of crafting a development objection letter so that the reader instantly agrees with the author! We would constantly get letters written from objectors using a lot of emotive language but as the planner for the application we would try to be un-emotional when assessing the development application. The worst thing that someone could do was to attack the Council for the DA as the town planner assigned to the DA is not the one that has designed the plans nor are they the one that has prepared the report, they are the unlucky person that has been assigned the DA. The best thing you can do is be nice as pie to this person!

The one piece of advice I would love to leave you with is this… if the development is going to impact your property and you are stressed and losing sleep then please contact us and have us prepare a quote to do the objection letter for you. It is not worth losing sleep or stressing about a DA when you can have us prepare the letter on your behalf for you!

The Steps on how to prepare your Objection!

We provide some easy to follow steps on how to prepare a development objection letter! Before we get into the particulars of what you need to do I would just like to take the time to write something to our readers. Please note that your objection is not wrong! EVERYONE has the right to object to a development application! Do not be afraid that your objection is not valid and you shouldn’t provide some input into the process. The legislation is written to allow EVERYONE the opportunity to put in a submission in regards to development applications. Sometimes the objection might be minor and might be an oversight from the building designer and other times it is a blatant disregard for good neighbourly design.

Step 1. Generate More Time

One of the biggest stresses that people have with objection letters is the limited time that is provided by Council to submit the objection letter. What makes it worse is when our clients call up the Council officer to seek additional time only to be told that they MUST get a submission into Council by the deadline!

Council are legally required to provide a time frame for you to submit your objection to the development. The normal time frame is 14 days which, when factoring in mailing time, doesn’t give much of a time frame to prepare a decent objection letter. What you need to know is that under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act that governs and guides all Councils in determining the development application) Council officer MUST consider any submission that is received by Council in making their determination. This means you are not limited to providing a comment within the specified time. I have made submissions on behalf of clients over a month or more after the submission period closed and it was still considered in the assessment.

That being said, it is still beneficial to try and get some more time to complete a detailed submission for the development application. There are two options for extending the notification time frame, the first is to email Council to seek additional timeframe to send through a submission. This was previously our preferred optioned but we would often not hear back from Council before the end of notification so we have since adopted the following option.

We submit a DOT POINT submission to Council with a basic description of what our detailed objection letter would contain with an explanation that a more detailed objection would be submitted within 14-21 days. This ticks the box for Council to ensure that the objection is received within the notification period but also informally requests an extension to the objection window. This has been a very successful avenue to obtain an extension to the objection timeframe.

An example of our dot point submissions is as follows (you are welcome to adapt this for your own dot point objection):

To whom it may concern,

We are writing to you in regard to the development at INSERT ADDRESS (DA NUMBER).

We have reviewed the plans and documents provided and have put together the following summary of our concerns: